Workshop The Force in You door Alexander Krakolinig

vrijdag, 28 juni, 2019 - zondag, 30 juni, 2019
09:00 - 22:00

Chiron, Instituut voor Lichaam en Geest

With Alexander Krakolinig, master in working with energie

Would you like to learn how to experience a deeper connection with yourself and others, including animals?

Would you like to learn how to use the life force to heal yourself and others and to create a life of ease and abundance?

Are you ready for a big and positive change in your life?

This workshop is an experiential adventure into yourself and will release your potential and everything else that is hiding in you.

In this workshop you will learn an ancient secret technique that was previously only passed on to a few special students after many years of dedicated training. It is only taught in some cultures in Asia and comes from the ancient Qigong and Aikido teachers. It is a great tool to enrich your life on all levels.

Alexander Krakolinig from Austria has studied with many great teachers from different cultures. He is a master in working with energy and is willing to pass this great tool onto eager students.

Here are some links to videos from youtube that will give an impression of the workshop.

It is not necessary to have any knowledge or experience; neither do you need to have meditated for years to understand what is taught in this workshop. Already on the first day you will feel the effects on your body. You will experience the unlimited and unimaginable possibilities and learn so much about your own potential .

Topics that will be discussed and practiced:

  • Unlock your unique version of YOU
  • Become fluent in Body Language
  • Sense vibration and subtle energy fields
  • Create clear boundaries energetically and physically.
  • Get out of your mind and into your body
  • Express your emotions and heal them
  • Extension of your own potential
  • Quick healing of pain
  • Healing of money issues
  • Express your desires confidently and manifest them
  • Move beyond self-consciousness to self-awareness
  • Experience the joy of pure embodiment (state of no-mind)
  • Bring play back into your life

Become aware of your patterns and outdated methods of interaction

Understand and experience the energetic structure of the matrix we live in and how people and things influence your body and mind and run your life. When you see it clearly you can reconnect to your true nature and your inner authority. The understanding of how things really work helps you in every aspect of your life. Relationships of all sorts, Communication, what you do in life, your work, your creativity, how you treat your body and mind; eat, sleep, move, talk. EVERYTHING. Learn to deal with everything in you and in your life in a whole new way! All of your issues are in your subconscious mind and stored in the cells. Understanding them helps you deal with them, change and heal them.For example:
Stress and the feeling there is never enough time.
Feeling a slave to life chores and to the people in your life.
The mental pressure to understand something, a noisy mind.
Feeling imbalanced emotionally and avoiding confrontation and truth.
Always looking for direction and love, never being sure.
Feeling like you don’t express yourself, or fulfill yourself.
Holding on to things, and fearing for your survival.
Living with frustration, anger, bitterness.
Feeling stuck and confused.

More information and videos


A professional cook is present to treat us to wonderful lunches, dinner, thee/coffee/juices and snacks on Saturday and Sunday. She will work for donations.

Do you have money issues? On Sunday special time is spend on healing any money issues so you can live your life in abundance.

Attendance options:

Friday 18.00 to 23.00 € 150,00
Friday evening and Saturday from 9.00 to 22.00 often longer € 650,00
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 22.00 € 1100,00
For more than 35 hours of transformation.
People often give between 1500-2000euro as they feel is the real value of this workshop.
A unique chance to study with this master.

Limited place. Maximum of 18 people.

What if the seminar brings you more money than you invest? Heal your moneyproblem and read the note

Prepare yourself for the seminar so we can get deeper into the subject, read the following notes

For reservations and further questions contact: or 06 27145269

Looking forward to be with you.

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